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Tuesday, 30 December 2003
In an earthquake more than 40000 Iranian died. It was the biggest disaster after 1990 earthquake in which we had 15000 victims.
In the recent one the aincient city of Bam and it's famous castle completly destroyed.
I don't know what to say!

Posted by alirezabehnam at 1:31 AM

Friday, 14 May 2004 - 10:27 PM

Name: naarenj
Home Page: http://naarenj8.persianblog.com

Hey! Keep up good job! Keep going!

Tuesday, 8 November 2005 - 1:36 AM

Name: Walter Gianno
Home Page: http://blogsforiran.blogspot.com

I'm an italian boy and I know only one thing about your country: the lack of freedom. And the reason of this blog is the aggregation of all your words. Me and others will publish here your important messages to make you know in Italy. If you want to partecipate in this instrument of freedom, you can write a comment here with the link of your blogs.

You give us your words and we give you visibility.

Excuse my english...

Monday, 10 July 2006 - 1:59 PM

Name: "sireen"

why did you stop your blog? we want to knowhow the internet and blogging changed your life as an arab woman..

Wednesday, 5 September 2007 - 1:15 AM

Name: "leon"
Home Page: http://lastdaywatchers.blogspot.com

The May 15th Prophecy is the only thing that has gotten everything that going on in the Middle East 100% right and is giving exact detail as to where all this is headed

The May 15th Prophecy shows how the United States is losing and will continue to lose their vital national interest and influence on a military scale.

And most important the May 15th Prophecy correctly shows how Iraq is being helped to prominence by the like of Iran, Lebanon and Syria and European nations such as Italy, Spain and Germany.

You need to see this for yourself at

Everyone is talking about the ay 15th Prophecy

Monday, 16 February 2009 - 6:20 PM

Name: "nasityr"
Home Page: http://rapidpedia.com

on my favorite search engine http://rapid4me.com you can find  all best films and links for download

Thursday, 26 February 2009 - 10:22 AM


please read this petition, sign and distribute

Saturday, 19 September 2009 - 10:56 PM

Name: "Iraq Updates"
Home Page: http://iraqsinconvenienttruth.com


Alternative to "Twitter" to Communicate to and from Iran

If you are in the USA or any other country and the Government of Iran is blocking your "Tweets" from Twitter...I have another solution, that works just like "Twitter"...but should be 'under the radar' of the Iranian Government (at least for now).

Its brand new...and is almost exactly like Twitter...but really better.

You can sign up for a FREE account...and contact your family and friends in Iran...to sign up for a free account also...this way you can communicate with them...just like you would do using Twitter.

I hope this helps...as I know many people in Iran and here in the USA and around the world do not support the current government of Iran,

Sign Up For Free At:


Peace To You All!





Friday, 9 October 2009 - 2:02 AM

Name: "Michael"

Hello, my name is Michael and I am a college student at the University of Illinois-Chicago.  I am conducting a study which focuses on examining how bloggers perceive their viewership, what they consider the purpose of their blog, and how this relates to their everyday physical life.  If you are interested, please respond to the following questions via email.  My email is mwelto2@uic.edu.  Thank you for your time:


1)                  How would you describe the people who generally view your blog?

2)                  What do you hope they take away from reading your blog?

3)                  Do you believe your blog helps you express yourself? How does it accomplish

or fail at achieving this?

4)                  What commonalities do you see between yourself and your readers?

5)                  What does the concept of “blogging” mean to you?

6)                  Why do you blog?

Again, thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey.  Please feel free to lend any additional comments you might have concerning the topic of blogging.

Tuesday, 29 December 2009 - 11:41 PM

Name: "canisaysomething"
Home Page: http://www.canisaysomething.com


Tuesday, 6 July 2010 - 7:27 PM

Name: "alex"
Home Page: http://evildrome.com

This is my favourate search engine.

<a href=http://evildrome.com/>rapidshare download</a> 

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