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Tuesday, 19 August 2003
From a land of forbiddens
Hi everybody, it is a weblog in which I want to speak briefly about my own life in Iran which I prefer to name it " land of forbiddens" . this is because here almost everything is forbidden:joy, colour , idea , writing freely , protesting , loughing , etc etc.
from now on you can expect here some diary of sorts by me .
Wait for that.

Posted by alirezabehnam at 4:38 AM

Friday, 22 August 2003 - 2:11 AM

Name: Mojtaba
Home Page: http://mojtabaakhtari.blogspot.com

That is an eye catching title,and a good one! Wellcome to the club!

Friday, 22 August 2003 - 7:17 PM

Name: dennis

you have an interesting first post. Can you expand on what you mean by "land of forbiddens" or explain how things like joy, color, and laughter can be restricted.


Sunday, 19 December 2004 - 2:31 PM

Name: USA

Amazing, he gave some insight into the all out "hell" any kind of an artist would be facing living in Iran, or most middle east countries for that matter and now, Dec, 2004, zero posts since his last in august 2003. I find it too coincidental his responses ceased immediately after posting that, the more I get into looking into middle east life, the more of a "Nazi" state I see these being. Your friend is most likely jailed for life or executed........., welcome to Iran.........

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