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Saturday, 11 October 2003
Iranian lawyer and human rights activist Shirin Ebadi wins Nobel Peace Prize
In a rare and joyful event finally an Iranian wins a Nobel Prize. Mrs. Shirin Ebadi is a respected lawyer and human rights activist among with Iranian intellectuals. Congratulation to Iranians worldwide!

Posted by alirezabehnam at 2:44 PM
Tuesday, 23 September 2003
Another poem of mine

What a joy is my day.................what a joy
when Karl-Waters sings
lambs of the crying out of dizziness
make an Ascent
and a slant woman flatten a rope on the Globe
what a joy is today......at least just today
Karl-Waters makes a lift from the corners
and at the madhouse some alms cookies
the crying pushes towards conjectural hands dizzy hands
Guernika!.............Someday a woman raised a rope
Guernika!.............Paper! The latest news
Guernika!.............Karl Waters escapes this on top of the hands
there is a rope over the Globe in black
and a woman comes back from Guernika
what a joy is my day....................what a joy

Posted by alirezabehnam at 7:48 PM
Saturday, 13 September 2003
Iranian poet and journalist detained
Behzad Zarrinpour, Iranian poet and journalist had been detained in an unknown place from last Sunday.
Zarrinpour is an important poet and journalist. He won the gardoon poetry prize a most important literary award on early 90s.He also was editor of art and literature in Zan daily, Which banned by hard-liners on 1999. He also was a high-ranking figure in Asia daily, which banned two months ago as a result of press crackdown.
Behzad Zarrinpour was about to starting a new weekly magazine on literature issue.

Posted by alirezabehnam at 11:40 AM
Wednesday, 3 September 2003
A poem
Sorry guys I couldn't be online for a little while, now I'm back again and will write here from now on.
The following is one of my poems, wish you enjoy it:

Over the windows

Drifting shadows
over the windows
my ethereal form
in their hands
and a kiss of silence
with their gaze
where the darkness
directs in to the silence
the darkness dancing with the silence
and the blind shadows
with their hands over my ethereal form
over the windows

Posted by alirezabehnam at 1:22 AM
Saturday, 23 August 2003
Residents of land of forbiddens
Dennis wrote in comments of my first post "Can you expand on what you mean by "land of forbiddens" or explain how things like joy, color, and laughter can be restricted?"
Well I should say that land of forbiddens is somewhere very far from peace and comfort, which somebody can see in a western country. Residents of this region, although, are ordinary people just like anywhere else; have different tastes and different ways of living. Some people in land of forbiddens have an endless right to do anything. These people are abandoned to power and source of wealth; they have religion and use it, as a weapon against anyone they sense would be a potential danger.
According to powerful men of land of forbiddens, people should be always poor and sad, they should have many difficulties in their daily lives in order to get prevented of thinking open and having more requests and organize protests against them.
So far in this region people are subjected to any strange law such as that ones which prevent them of right to select their clothes on their own taste, ones which prevents them of listening to certain music or watching certain movies and etc.
In the land of forbiddens there are a few powerful press which can accuse anybody to anything. They can introduce you as a murderer or a traitor or even a sexual criminal who seduced many ladies against their will, they can put the charge of sustaining religious law on you and in a little while you find yourself faced with the danger of being executed.
In other hand if you are an independent journalist you have no right of any sorts you should shut up and keep watching to all this injustice just for being alive, or just for not seeing yourself suddenly out of job.
You have to write books, which the powerful men want, say all the nonsense they prefer you to say and go anywhere they chose you to go. You should have no personal preference.
In this strange land you can disobey the law and have your live as you chose privately, but you are always in a danger to be investigated and facing trial for little joys such as listening to your favorite music or for example dating your favorite girl.
Let me tell here a story which I witnessed recently. Some 13 months ago one day a writer of books section of Iran daily- that is the most popular newspaper in the country - wrote a little ad about a recent publication. Two days later a hardliner newspaper found the ad "degrading of Islamic characters" and demanded its writer to be punished. In a little while there was many rallies hold on by hardliners demanding the same thing.
What was the cause of all this nonsense? The poor writer had been quoted the book as writing that the grand daughter of holy prophet had used to listening music!
For this very cause the newspaper writer, the author of the book and the publisher faced trial and got sentences such as long time prison and losing their job.
This was a little example that can show you the rough situation in the land of forbiddens. And you can find yourself more examples through daily news. Cases such as Zahra Kazemi are very ordinary in the land of forbiddens but it would not be broadcasted as wildly as that.

Posted by alirezabehnam at 7:19 PM
Thursday, 21 August 2003
A powerless U.N, a simple target for attacks
Yesterday attack to U.N office in Iraq has many meanings within it; the first meaning comes when we look at the policy of U.S government towards the organization. In the process that ended with April war in Iraq the American government had completely ignored U.N and acted almost against it.
After the war they continued to ignoring U.N and had managed the situation their own way. This is the first time in the past 50 years that the whole organization with its long authorities becomes a useless body that not only can't prevent a war but also can't protect its own fate against threats coming from a super power. So it is not beyond expectations that nobody cares for it from now on.
The other reason one can find for an attack such as this is the danger of U.N becoming an unpaid agent for the same super power; coming to the scene after conflict is over and aiding them to shift their responsibility to the other countries and get free soon for their next action against some other country.
We can't think of terrorism without mentioning the motives of those who we think are responsible for that. And these motives are created by act of the people that cry most of the time against terror and terrorism.

Posted by alirezabehnam at 12:22 AM
Tuesday, 19 August 2003
An American coup beyond history
August 19 reminds us the American coup against Iranian Popular PM Mossadiq in 1953.
After half a century this act of American government is remembered by Iranians with hatred.
As a nationalist leader mossadiq had a true influence on Iranian attempt towards democracy. He was a key person in our request of limited power for the ruler, the request which is now a day repeated in the country. We could gain more easily into the concept of democracy if only the American rulers of that time had left us alone with mossadiq. But alas it didn't took place that way, the dictator had been brought back by aid of CIA and along with him the whole concept of dictatorship was suddenly back again.
This historical event reminds me of a similar situation in our current time , when an internal attempt towards democracy is hijacking by external powers and is going to be misleaded against the national will.
I hope this time my extremist colleagues don't repeat the past mistake, we can't trust external powers in the liberation issue ..... Well they don't do it only for sake of god! they want something in return and it would be our freedom to manage our own business .

Posted by alirezabehnam at 10:56 PM
From a land of forbiddens
Hi everybody, it is a weblog in which I want to speak briefly about my own life in Iran which I prefer to name it " land of forbiddens" . this is because here almost everything is forbidden:joy, colour , idea , writing freely , protesting , loughing , etc etc.
from now on you can expect here some diary of sorts by me .
Wait for that.

Posted by alirezabehnam at 4:38 AM

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