This is official site of Iranian poet & journalist ALIREZA BEHNAM. Here
you can find everything about him and his career.
He belongs to the new generation of Iranian poets . Their aim is to try
a new style of poetry in which there is no limitation except of using all kinds of linguistic games.
Please sign guestbook with any comments or reactions you have to the site. You can also contact with Behnam directly
via email.
Here we provide many things as much as news and a short collection of Behnam`s
poetry in English. There is also a petite photo album provided by photos of Behnam and other Iranian poets which you can visit.
وقتي به اينترنت مي
انديشيم به چه مي انديشيم؟
ايا مفهومي چنين گسترده
را مي توان جز با لمس كردن
اين سايت اينترنتي
در درجه نخست قرار است
پاسخي باشد براي دغدغه
هاي مجازي صاحب آن و در
درجات بعدي مكاني است
براي اشنايي هرجه بيشتر
با ديگر شهروندان جهان
مجازي. پس به دنياي مجازي
عليرضا بهنام خوش آمديد.